People need good quality seats for comfort, safety and wellbeing. Travelling at speed in rough conditions on land and sea with variable violent vibration and sometimes hostile environments requires extra safety critical seating for personnel protection, healthcare and survivability.
When designing seats, we need to take account of overall ergonomics, design constraints, maneuverability and weight.
VSS International Limited (VSSI) design and manufacture safety critical seating. Very often with vehicle design, the seating needs of drivers and passengers are a last thought. At VSSI, we believe that supplying the very best in seated safety and comfort leads to happier, healthier better protected travelers and more cost effective seating solutions. What’s more in today’s litigious society employers need to be aware that poor seats could be the cause of serious injuries or worse.
There are two basic requirements:
Many seats take little account of physiological needs. Prolonged sitting in poorly made chairs can be extremely bad for health. Most lower back conditions are aggravated by long periods of seated posture. Muscles become acclimatised to being in a certain position and can begin to feel tired and stiff. Continuous whole body vibration gradually increases pressure on the lower back leading to pain and discomfort.
Getting up and moving around every so often helps but better seat design will alleviate potential muscular back pain condition.
In the main, VSSI design and manufacture seats and seating systems for the defence and security markets. We work with vehicle manufacturers and with end users.
Our seats feature in some of the latest developments in armoured personnel carriers, fighting vehicles, military personnel transport and support vehicles.
What’s more, as budget cuts hit defence forces around the world, extend the life of existing assets – our seats are ideal for vehicle upgrades and refurbishment.
VSSI customers include UK MOD, Finnish Defence Force, Ricardo, Belgian Army, Centigon, Renault, Armor Group, SVOS, Tata, NIMR, HSW, Zetor, Tatra, Jelcz, RABA, CM Tech, Mahindra, WB Electronics. All VSSI seats and systems are custom made to individual vehicle specifications and end user needs. We supply seats throughout the VSSI world wide sales network.
Many countries seek to ensure as much of their defence budgets as possible are spent in country. To enable this, VSSI have set up international licencing agreements.
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